Monday, July 25, 2011

Postpartum Family Planning

Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP)

Birth spacing intervals are relatively short in India. Healthy spacing of 3-5 years between births is an effective way to prevent maternal and child mortality and morbidities. Socio-cultural and structural barriers, including limited awareness, socio-cultural norms, and misconceptions need to be addressed for behavior change. Hence the objective was to understand these barriers and accordingly develop separate messages for young women, her husband and her mother-in-law.

Postpartum IUD (PPIUD)

What is this intervention?
  • PPIUD is the insertion of an IUD within 10 minutes after expulsion of the placenta by a trained midwife or physician. It is a different technique than interval insertion.
Why is it needed?
  • Allows the client to leave the facility with an effective method that can be long-acting, or used for 24-36 months.
  • It is cost-effective for the client, who does not need to return to the clinic multiple times for FP.
  • It is cost-effective for the provider, who requires only minutes to perform the insertion after delivery and needs fewer instruments than for an interval insertion.

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