June 18, 2016,
Doctor cannot be held liable, if primary treatment is given by a Quack The
patient lost his leg due to primary “treatment” by a quack, but the buck was
shifted on the Doctors for Medical Negligence, but fortunately in vain for Drs.
REVISION PETITION NO. 293 OF 2012. Decided By National Commission on 8th
February, 2016. A Doctor cannot be held liable, if primary treatment is given
by a Quack Facts in short : The Complainant, a Milk Man, got grievously hurt
due to attack by the buffalos and suffered injuries on his left leg and foot and
he was admitted in the Hospital, where he alleged that the treatment received
was bad and improper and as a result of which, his condition deteriorated and
ultimately, amputation had to be done. Hence he filed a claim of Rs. 5 laks
against Doctors and Hospital. His complaint was allowed by the lower forums and
hence the Revision. The Doctors contended that the Complainant after the said
attack instead of coming to proper Doctor, Complainant had gone to some Quack
who had tied bamboo-sticks to the injured leg. After examining the patient it
was revealed that there was no sensation of deep prick, pressure, cut or heat
application much less a neurological sensation and the leg had turned bluish.
It was also recorded in the Medical Records and initially the patient was
advised for amputation, but subsequently, a conservative surgical line of
treatment (Fasciotomy) was adopted. After about 48 hours, there were signs of
revival in some of the muscles, but the nervous system did not work at all,
even after six weeks. Therefore after taking written consent, the amputation
was done. A Doctor cannot be held liable, if primary treatment is given by a
The National commission held: The onus of proof primarily
lies upon the Complainant to prove the medical Negligence and once initial
burden had been discharged, the onus of proof would shift to the Doctors. But
in the present case complainants have not been able to provide any material to
prove the allegation of medical negligence. It was proved that the Patient did not
go to Doctors immediately after the accident, but to some local Doctors. It
relied upon the famous judgment of ‘Jacob Mathew vs. State of Punjab and
others’ (2005 (6) SCC 1), wherein the Hon’ble Apex Court, interalia, stated as
follows: - (3) A professional may be held liable for negligence on one of the
two findings: either he was not possessed of the requisite skill which he
professed to have possessed, or, he did not exercise, with reasonable
competence in the given case, the skill which he did possess. The standard to
be applied for judging, whether the person charged has been negligent or not,
would be that of an ordinary competent person exercising ordinary skill in that
profession. It is not possible for every professional to possess the highest level
of expertise or skills in that branch which he practices. A highly skilled
professional may be possessed of better qualities, but that cannot be made the
basis or the yardstick for judging the performance of the professional
proceeded against on indictment of negligence. Again, the proper documentation
has saved the Doctors… There is no excuse for proper documentation. A Doctor
cannot be held liable, if primary treatment is given by a Quack
1 comment:
Absolutely right which here focused by Dr.Mishra.Always community should alert over this situation.
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