Thursday, March 16, 2017

Union Cabinet Approves National Health Policy

The Indian healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation now on the policy front. The Union Cabinet has approved the National Health Policy – 2017 (NHP) which proposes to provide assured health services to all in the country.
Healthcare in India is heading towards a major makeover, thanks to the liberalization and globalization of the economy. According to Health Minister, the proposed NHP is expected to reach healthcare to all corners of the country, particularly the underserved and underprivileged.
The policy envisages a time-bound implementation framework and focuses on upgrading district hospitals with clear deliverable and milestones to achieve the policy goals. A final decision on the policy had been deferred earlier after it was included in the agenda of the Union Cabinet twice before.
The government sources said the Union Cabinet gave its nod to the policy, which has been pending for the last two years. Further, the sources from health ministry said that in a major shift, the policy increases the strategy of sectors covered in the Primary Health Centre (PHC)-level and envisages a comprehensive approach.
Following are ten important highlights of the National Health Policy 2017
  1. The policy aims to raise public healthcare expenditure to 2.5% GDP with more than two-thirds of those resources going towards primary healthcare.
  2. The policy forecasts in providing a comprehensive package for major non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mental health, geriatric healthcare, palliative care and rehabilitative care services.
  3. It also aims to ensure availability of 2 beds per 1000 population distributed in a manner to enable access within a golden hour.
  4. In order to provide access and financial protection, it proposes free drugs, free diagnostics and free emergency and essential healthcare services in all public hospitals.
  5. The policy proposes to increase life expectancy from 67.5 to 70 years by 2025.
  6. Reduction of total fertility rate (TFR) to 2.1 at national and sub-national level by 2025.The NHP intends to reduce the mortality rate of children under 5 years of age to 23 by 2025 and maternal mortality rate.
  7. Reduce infant mortality rate to 28 by 2019. Reduce neonatal mortality to 16 and stillbirth rate to 'single digit' by 2025.
  8. The policy tends to improve and strengthen the regulatory environment and seeks to put systems for setting standards and ensuring the quality of healthcare.
  9. The policy also looks to reform the existing regulatory systems for easing manufacturing of drugs and devices to promote Make in India movement.
  10. The policy advocates development of nurse practitioners and public health cadre to improve the availability of appropriate health human resource.
Source: India today

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