Saturday, November 4, 2017

Daily drug regimen for TB launched in Bolangir

1. Tuberculosis is a public health emergency in view of the rising number of cases of MDR (Multi-Drug-Resistant) and XDR (Extensively-Drug-Resistant)TB, especially in Delhi and Mumbai.

2. The prevalence of MDR TB is more than 2% in primary TB cases.

3. Every sputum should be tested with GeneXpert test. It not only diagnoses the presence of TB, but also detects rifampicin resistance. No treatment should be started without first confirming rifampicin resistance. Rifampicin resistance indicates primary MDR TB.

4. Treatment for MDR TB should be taken for the required 2 years to prevent conversion from MDR TB to XDR TB. Treatment of MDR TB in India is available free of cost. 

      "The new treatment protocol will replace the existing three times a week treatment and will be implemented across state. Instead of several individual drugs, patients will be put on fixed drug combinations, i.e., three or more drugs as a single dose, to reduce the pill burden and to simplify the treatment. The dosages are in four specific weight bands."
      Findings have revealed that the old regimen has led to increasing instances of drug resistance and relapse. Relapse occurs when a patient is declared 'cured' by a doctor, tests positive for tuberculosis again.

"A new drug Bedaquiline has been introduced to treat multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) under RNTCP. This is expected to bring down the mortality rate by 50%. However, to avoid misuse, the drug will be restricted to the government sector," The new regimen will benefit in TB patients in the state. "The new treatment protocol focuses on daily treatment regimen as against intermittent drug therapy. It will drastically raise the need of TB drugs which will be provided free-of-cost to all patients in the state,"

 RNTCP and sensitization and training of providers are on.

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