Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Five actions to advance efforts to end TB and AIDS by 2030


The UN is calling on all partners to take unprecedented and bold action to advance efforts to end TB and AIDS by 2030. While preventable and curable, persistent challenges remain, many of which are shared by the HIV response, including unequal access to services. Noting that both can be addressed effectively with integrated programmes, UNAIDS outlined five important actions for partners.
  1. Impelling political, religious and civil society leaders to champion the universal right to live free from TB and HIV.
  2. Communities must be empowered to call on governments to demand their right to health – improving living standards to reduce the burden of TB and HIV.
  3. Promoting non-discriminatory service delivery to protect all against catastrophic health expenditures in the context of universal health coverage – extending care beyond health to include safe workplaces and places of detention.
  4. Finance ministers be engaged to approach health as an investment, not an expenditure, in which returns demonstrate their long-term value to societies and economies.
  5. Greater public-private sector partnerships to accelerate for innovative new medicines and vaccines.
(UN, March 23, 2018)

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