Friday, May 3, 2019

Reduce the Transmission of HIV

Quiz on Reduction of Transmission of HIV 
                                                              Answer will be posted tomorrow
  1.  Which is not a risk factor for HIV transmission in displaced settings?
    a.  Exploitative relationships among women and girls who are in need of money, goods
     or services
    b.  People living with HIV participating in food distribution
    c.  Adolescents who may initiate sexual relations at an earlier age
    d.  Armed forces and other uniformed services surround the displacement area
    e.  Making condoms available only to married couples
  2.  Which of the following activities should be undertaken in order to ensure safe
     blood transfusion?
    a.  Ensure that all blood for transfusion is safe by ensuring that it is screened for HIV and
     other transfusion transmissible infections such as hepatitis B and C and syphilis
    b.  Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions
    c.  Ensure there are sufficient HIV and other tests and supplies available for screening
     blood where needed
    d.  Ensure that an appropriate facility, supplies and qualified staff are in place
    e.  All of the above. 
  3. Which is a requirement for infection control?
    a.  Facilities for frequent hand washing
    b.  X-ray services
    c.  Decontaminating, cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing used instruments
    d.  Safe handling of sharp objects
    e.  a, c and d  
  4. PEP should not be provided if HIV testing is unavailable or the patient refuses a test.
    a. True
    b. False
  5. Condoms can be made available at:
    a.  Health facilities
    b.  Food and non-food distribution points
    c.  Latrines
    d.  Popular bars in urban areas
    e.  All of the above                                                                             

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