Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today is World Red Cross/Red Crescent Day

Jean Henri Dunant's life (May 8, 1828-October 30, 1910) is a study in contrasts. He was born into a wealthy home but died in a hospice; in middle age he juxtaposed great fame with total obscurity, and success in business with bankruptcy; in old age he was virtually exiled from the Genevan society of which he had once been an ornament and died in a lonely room, leaving a bitter testament. His passionate humanitarianism was the one constant in his life, and the Red Cross his living monument.
His birthday is celebrated as World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.

Violence, discrimination and exclusion cause suffering for millions of people across the world today. Born out of fear, ignorance and mistrust, these factors Undermine safety, health and human potential. Differences of opinion and disagreements are a normal Part of humanity, but the question is: how can we deal with these in a constructive way?
Violence, discrimination and exclusion are too often looked at in isolation, as separate issues. However, they are intertwined and have common root causes. By looking at these common root causes, we can seek common solutions.The promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace (CNV+P) is a process of finding constructive and creative solutions to problems and tensions,
without fear of violence. 
A Call to the Youth --- Let us work for creating CNV+P for  peace to Prevail On Earth Everyday! Every moment ! for the time to come;.

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