Saturday, April 30, 2016

Stop the hostility among health care professionals

         The amount of hostility among health care professionals seems to be at an all-time high.  Are “scope of practice” and “turf” battles really escalating, or is it just more palpable in the modern era of anonymous comments?  I don’t know for sure, but lately, the conversation seems louder and uglier to me.
         Patients are complex, and medical care is multifaceted.  Patients show up with a host of pre-existing problems (some known, and some yet to be diagnosed), have an operation that may be short or long, hugely invasive or minimally so, have good luck or bad, receive care from probably at least 20 different clinicians by the time they reach you, all of whom are most likely well-trained and well-intended.  Patients are sometimes resilient and get better even when we make mistakes, and patients sometimes are so ill or injured that they simply can’t be fixed even when everything is done right.
Let us Stop the hostility among us and have collaborative Care System.

1 comment:

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