Friday, July 15, 2016

Prevention of water-borne diseases during the monsoon season

Rains bring much-welcome relief from the scorching summer, but they also increase susceptibility to diseases that are common during the season. The incidence of water-borne diseases including diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera rise during the rainy reason. These diseases are 100% preventable, and a threat to life can be avoided with timely diagnosis and treatment of the diseases. The body's intestinal and digestive system becomes weak during the rainy season, which makes a person highly susceptible to all kinds of infections. People should take necessary precautions. They must avoid drinking water that is not properly boiled and stored and avoid consuming food that is exposed to the surroundings for quite a long time, for instance, street food, pre-cut fruits, and vegetables. A person's diet during the monsoon season should consist of light and non-spicy food. Greasy, fried and fatty foods have thermal effect on our body and make us feel sluggish and so should be avoided. Contamination of water and unhygienic conditions are very often the cause of many monsoon ailments. Skin conditions, asthma, and arthritis also get aggravated because of excess humidity. Here are a few tips to prevent water-borne diseases this monsoon: 

• Drink only filtered/boiled water 
• Store water in a clean container.
• Water jars/containers should be washed daily. 
• Always wash hands before and after preparing food or eating. Likewise, children should be educated about the importance of washing their hands effectively and regularly 
• It is mandatory to wash one’s hands with soaps or use hand sanitizers after using a washroom, changing a child's diaper, or after visiting unclean and infection prone areas such as public washrooms, hospitals 
• Consume warm and home cooked foods and avoiding consuming street food 
• Wash food thoroughly before cooking. 
• Always keep foods/beverages covered 
• Make sure that the pipes and tanks that supply water to your house are properly maintained and clean. 
• Travelers should only drink bottled water and avoid uncooked food. 
• People suffering from water-borne diseases should not go to work until fully recovered to avoid spreading the infection 
• Avoid using ice made from tap water. 
• Freezing does not kill the organisms that cause diarrhea. Ice in drinks is not safe unless it has been made from adequately boiled or filtered water 
• Alcohol does not sterilize water or the ice. Mixed drinks may still be contaminated. 
• Hot tea and coffee are the best alternates to boiled water

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