MCTS means Maternal Child Tracking S ystem, by which Maternal & Child Care will be taken care.
This software will be connected all over in India. Password will be with healthworker/StaffNurse/Medical Officer of that Health Centre.
At present no 24 hrs facility of enrolling at centres under that.
MCTS Registration is not in MTP Act & PCPNDT Act.
for Emergency patient also it may be compulsory ...Now MAHA Govt. has given
notices to Jalna, Aurangabad, Beed, Osmanabad and recently in Majalgaon
....Herewith attached Majalgaon Medical Officer's Order in Marathi ,
neaning that......
Registration will be Compulsory to each & every case before doing
MTP/USG...Even in Emergency also , if MCTS number has not been taken,
action will be taken by Govt.
How many registrations will a clinic face ?
In this Secracy & Privacy will not be Guaranted ?
How Unmarried/Widow's/Rapre Victims will stand in que for MCTS ?
In this era of Globalisation, why should our patient should suffer due to Govt. adamancy ?
When patient will go for Registration, They are only giving MTP pills & Medical advices without our consent.
Compulsory Inj:TT & other medication will be given, otherwise they will not registered their.
Even "F" form can not detect cases of Sex Determination or Prevent SexSelected MTP's?
Then Why this Act?
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