Thursday, March 14, 2019


  1. The answer is D. The fundal height will decrease by 1 cm per day below the umbilicus. Therefore, if the woman is 48 hours postpartum (2 days) the fundal height will be 2 cm BELOW the umbilicus.
  2.  The answer is C. The uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy state at about 6 weeks.
  3. The answer is B. At about 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fundal height can be found right above the symphysis pubis.
  4.  The answer is C. At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the fundal height should be at the xiphoid process.
  5.  The answer is C. The patient should be + or – 2 cm of their week of pregnancy. Remember that after 20 weeks of pregnancy the number of weeks the patient is pregnant will match the fundal height measurement plus or minus 2 cm. Therefore, if the patient is 24 weeks, a normal measurement would be either 22 cm to 26 cm.
  6. The answer is A. This is when the uterus has entered back into the pelvic cavity and is no longer palpable.
  7. The answer is B. This is a normal finding. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the fundal height will regress. Remember at 36 weeks the fundus will be at the xiphoid process. However, the fundus of the uterus will decrease about 4 cm from the xiphoid process at about 37-40 weeks of pregnancy. WHY? The baby has settled down into the pelvic cavity and preparing for delivery.
  8.  The answer is B. As the nurse, you must monitor the patient for supine hypotension while measuring the fundal height. This is because as the uterus enlarges it can compress the great vessel of the heart leading to supine hypotension. Therefore, if the patient complains of this during the measurement  you would want to immediately place her on the left side.
  9.  The answer is C.

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